Term of Loan (Days) Annual interest rate Interest (Loan term Interest & Interest Delayed) Service Fee Penalty Fee Late Payment Fee
180 24% 2% per month 3%
(Deducted one time)
1% per day 3% per month
(Deducted one time)

The principal amount of loan 5,000-60,000
Rate of interest(Loan term Interest & Interest Delayed) of the loan 2% per month
Service or processing fee 3%
Amortization schedule Please Refer on the table below
Any penalty charge for late amortization payment Please Refer on the table below
Collection fee 0
Notarial fee 0
All other fees in connection with the loan transaction hidden fees:0
Description of the collection and lien enforcement Procedures Description of the collection procedure : Phone calls, sending SMS , demand letters
Lien: Not Applicable (Unsecured Loan)
Method of calculating the total amount of obligation in case of default Principal Amt + interest(Loan term Interest & Interest Delayed) of loan(1% per day) + One time late charges (3%) + Penalty Per day (1% per day)

Principal Amount of Loan 15,000
Term of Loan (Days) 180 day
Interest(Loan term Interest & Interest Delayed) annual interest rate:24% (180 days loan=12%) 1,800
Total Amount of Loan to be Paid On Time 16,800
Service Charge (3% of the principal) 450
Amount to be Received 14,550

SAMPLE Computation If 3 Days Late
Total Amount of Loan to be Paid On Time 16,800
Add number of days delayed (3 days delayed)
interest of days delayed (3 X 1% of the principal) 450
Penalty per day of delay (3 X 1% of the principal) 450
One time late Charges (3% of the principal) 450
Amount payable (3 days late) 16,800 + 450 + 450 + 450 18,150